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AUA Today

Currently the AUA is working on the enactment of a bill to regulate our activity, we understand from the AUA that the most urgent need for the Archives nowadays is the sufficient presence of professional archivists even "very professional" to participate actively in the development of an open and transparent government that guarantees availability and access to documentary sources.

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Currently the AUA is working on the enactment of a bill to regulate our activity, we understand from the AUA that the most urgent need for the Archives nowadays is the sufficient presence of professional archivists even "very professional" to participate actively in the development of an open and transparent government that guarantees availability and access to documentary sources.Although in recent years the situation has changed a bit with the enactment of the laws on Archives, Access to Public Information and Protection of Personal Data, a huge gap still prevails between what this regulation establishes and the real situation surrounding its observance, the approval of a professionalization law would be elementary to give the citizen a true access to information.Not only to ensure access to archival documents that are on paper but also those that are generated from the use of new technologies.Training, capacity and aptitude are essential elements to ensure the community the exercise of a profession, reserving it to those who have a solid, serious and competent university education.Therefore, the regulation of the exercise of the profession of archivist in the country, which identifies who is included and their categorization, determines their duties and guarantees and on what ethical principles are based is imperative.