The idea of associationism of the Uruguayan archivists arises thanks to the initiative of a group of students in 1984, shortly after the Archivology Career was founded, but due to different circumstances, it was achieved in 1993. Students and graduates came together to work for common interest; Those interests were and are: defend the rights of university archivists and archives officials, promoting their training and development.The AUA plays a broad and participatory role in the Uruguayan archival development. It was created on November 22, 1993 in the city of Montevideo, obtained its legal status by Resolution No. 851/994 of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Also, its statutes were approved. From its beginnings, the association defends the interests of the national archival group, advising the Public and Private Administration bodies in the design of an archival policy that gives the archives their rightful place in the development and identity plan of the country.At the beginning, a Provisory Board of Directors was appointed, composed of its President, Marta Guerrero; 28 Secretary, Virginia Luzardo; Treasurer, Nancy Pérez; and Vocal, María Fernanda Pozniak, as well as a Fiscal Commission. The subcommittees of Public Relations, Publications, Courses and Cursillos, Investigations, Legal Matters, Library and Archive are also created.Since its foundation, the idea of preparing a preliminary draft of the Archives Law has been maturing to present it before the National Parliament. In 2001, the Legislation Commission was created to study and draft a National Archives Law, with the purpose of bringing it into line with all the archives of the country, but without official success or support.With the passage of time he was able to translate a Code of Ethics29 Professional and a Common Tariff; He is an active member of the International Archives Council (CIA) and the Latin American Archives Association (ALA). It has also made agreements with various institutions to develop its goals; Among its activities, it has organized the III Congress of Archivology of MERCOSUR (CAM) in 1999 and the VIII CAM in 2009, both in the city of Montevideo.By decision of its members and with recognition of the MEC, it was designated on November 22 as the National Day of the Archivist.

The idea of associationism of the Uruguayan archivists arises thanks to the initiative of a group of students in 1984, shortly after the Archivology Career was founded, but due to different circumstances, it was achieved in 1993. Students and graduates came together to work for common interest; Those interests were and are: defend the rights of university archivists and archives officials, promoting their training and development.